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E-122 Cannabis Petition - Royal Commission on Cannabis

Monday, December 23, 2013

Robert Aubin, MP - Trois-Rivières


Respect for Communities Act Government Orders
January 27th, 2014 / 4:55 p.m.
Robert Aubin Trois-Rivières, QC
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I remember that my late mother—may God rest her soul—was convinced at one time that a young man who tried smoking a marijuana joint would definitely end up a wreck. Even though she and I did not do drugs, we had many discussions on this issue, and I tried to prove to that she was wrong. However, her perception went beyond the scientific facts that I could show. This revealed something even more extraordinary: the fear of the unknown and the fear of something we do not know how to fight. Well, it seems to me there is only one effective way to fight fear, and it is called education.
Looking at Bill C-2, I see that it covers everything but education. If we were to talk about education in reference to a centre like InSite, we should also talk about the neighbouring parks in the community, but I am thinking mainly of the parks that have been made safer because needles no longer litter the park.
Moreover, what is true for Vancouver is also true for Montreal, Trois-Rivières and all small cities, not just the major centres.
InSite is a successful formula that helps reduce crime. If we are really concerned about heroin use—and there is every reason to be, of course—we should also be able to recognize initiatives that reduce crime rates. InSite is one of them.
InSite also helps reduce infections. Addicts can get an infection through injection drug use, but others can get infected entirely involuntarily by stepping on a needle thrown away in a public park.
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On Dec 9, 2013 4:08 AM, "Sam Vekemans" <@gmail.com> wrote:
December 9, 2013
Member: Robert Aubin Constituency Office: 214 Bonaventure Street Trois-Rivières, Québec G9A 2B1
Telephone: 819-371-5901 Fax: 819-371-5912 Email: Robert.Aubin@parl.gc.ca
Dear Robert Aubin,
Do you support the simple removal of Cannabis/Marijuana from the criminal code of Canada, and let it be treated the same as Lettuce, Tomato, Oregano, Roses, Aloe Vera, Fern or any other common garden herb, flower or house plant?
Do you know the difference between Cannabis Sativa, Cannabis Indica, and Cannabis Ruderalis?
I look forward to receiving your responses as it will be made public, so then others wont need to ask you the same question.
Kind regards,
Sam Vekemans (address)
P.S. All 303 Members of Parliament are being asked these same questions.

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