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E-122 Cannabis Petition - Royal Commission on Cannabis

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Serge Cormier, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard & Liberal Member of Parliament for 13001 Acadie–Bathurst (NB)

Serge Cormier, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard & Liberal Member of Parliament for 13001 Acadie–Bathurst (NB)



Pursuant to Standing Order 45, the House proceeded to the taking of the deferred recorded division on the motion of Mr. Rankin (Victoria), seconded by Ms. Quach (Salaberry—Suroît), — That the House: (a) recognize the contradiction of continuing to give Canadian criminal records for simple possession of marijuana after the government has stated that it should not be a crime; (b) recognize that this situation is unacceptable to Canadians, municipalities and law enforcement agencies; (c) recognize that a growing number of voices, including that of a former Liberal prime minister, are calling for decriminalization to address this gap; and (d) call upon the government to immediately decriminalize the simple possession of marijuana for personal use.
Conformément à l'article 45 du Règlement, la Chambre procède au vote par appel nominal différé sur la motion de M. Rankin (Victoria), appuyé par Mme Quach (Salaberry—Suroît), — Que la Chambre : a) reconnaisse la contradiction de continuer à donner un casier judiciaire aux Canadiens pour la simple possession de marijuana après que le gouvernement a affirmé que la simple possession de marijuana ne devrait pas être un crime; b) reconnaisse que cette situation est inacceptable pour les Canadiens, les municipalités et les autorités policières; c) reconnaisse qu’un nombre croissant de voix, incluant celle d’un ancien premier ministre libéral, demandent la décriminalisation pour combler cette lacune; d) réclame du gouvernement qu’il décriminalise immédiatement la possession simple de marijuana pour une utilisation personnelle.
The question was put on the motion and it was negatived on the following division:
La motion, mise aux voix, est rejetée par le vote suivant :
(Division No. 89 -- Vote no 89)
YEAS: 49, NAYS: 256POUR : 49, CONTRE : 256

Total: -- 49

Saturday February 13, 2016

Serge Cormier, MP
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6

Re: Removing Cannabis from the Drug Schedule - Cannabis Policy Statement.

Dear Serge Cormier,

Please understand:

  • Cannabis prohibition began with no scientific, medical or social justification, and was initiated as an effort to harass, punish and deport racial minorities;
  • The prohibition of cannabis has caused many social and economic harms, criminalized millions of Canadians for no benefit, and financed organized crime;
  • Cannabis has the potential to provide food, medicine, fibre, fuel and building materials; and
  • Cannabis medicines are safe and effective for treating a wide variety of ailments, yet are not readily available to all who require them.

Therefore, I urge you to support these ideas when considering the legalization of cannabis to

  1. Repeal the prohibition on possession and personal cultivation of cannabis;
  2. Repeal Section 462.2 of the Criminal Code, which bans literature and harm reduction devices like waterpipes and vaporizers;
  3. Permit patients or their designated grower to provide medical cannabis as recommended by a physician; and
  4. End police raids against community medical cannabis dispensaries, and enable their municipal regulation, as per the position of the Union of BC Municipalities.

    and within one year:
  5. Allow farmers to harvest and sell the cannabinoid-rich resin from their plants, as per the recent resolution of the Canadian Hemp Trade Alliance;
  6. Completely end the prohibition of cannabis, by removing it entirely from the CDSA (Controlled Drugs and Substances Act);
  7. For those convicted for a cannabis offence under the CDSA, on a case-by-case basis: Grant a full pardon and amnesty for past offences, expunge criminal records and release all prisoners currently serving time; and
  8. Permit Provinces, Territories and First Nations to decide how they want to tax, regulate and distribute cannabis as needed.

Please make a public statement on the internet. Either a tweet, or facebook post or website post or respond back then it will be made public.


Sam Vekemans

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