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E-122 Cannabis Petition - Royal Commission on Cannabis

Friday, May 20, 2016

Unschedule Cannabis Project - May 20, 2016 update

Unschedule Cannabis Project - May 20, 2016 update

There is now 19 days to go before the e-18 cannabis petition expires on the Parliament website.
It's sitting at the #1 spot with over 18,428 signatures (as of writing post). 

The Draft Bill C-985/986/987/988 text document has been improved, it now includes the recommendation on the Marijuana Related Businesses, as Victoria is drafting the bylaws for it.   I also added the 10 recommendations for Edibles safety, as well as the First Nations rights that should be respected.   So I think the document is better now.
I've been emailing the MPs again with the latest version of the PDF and link to the draft text.

I have uploaded the draft text to Scribd websiteBill C-985/C-986/C-987/C-988 End Cannabis Prohibition Acts (open public draft) by Sam Vekemans

and also the document is available on GoogleDrive as a PDF, uploaded to the Facebook Group, and on Slideshare (a few times), and on Issuu.com so hopefully, more people will see it, as the keyword search is available.

I have put in hyperlinks to sources in the document, so people can find the references if they are interested.

There are now 86 MPs who have not made a cannabis policy statement yet, i have been emailing, and tweeting them, i have also been putting their statement (or lack of) as a comment on the GoogleMaps listings.  Although a bunch of MPs don't have a listing.

I've updated the Spreadsheet with more contact details, listing the Twitter profile etc.  It's interesting how only 4 MPs don't have a twitter account.  I've added the Facebook Page link, and the LinkedIN profile, as well as the Google+ profile.  It's interesting to see that many MPs don't have all of the basic info filled in.

I have written to the Victoria City council, about the edibles regulations.  And some responded to thank me for the info.
I created a YouTube playlist of the videos from the Medical Marijuana Related Business Bylaws creation process.

The next steps is to continue to email the MPs with the latest version of the Draft Bill, so they will get the info they need, as well as the Senators.   Once i get a new printer, i'll be printing a hard copy of the document, and fix up the page layout and find more corrections needed.   I'll send the Cabinet MPs and Senators a hard copy of the document, but this time, include a return envelope that is stamped and include my address on it, so then they could write on the document their recommendations and send it back to me.   Perhaps if i include actual postage stamp on it, they will take notice?  Maybe.

I'll also be drafting the next e-petition, so then it's ready to get support.  Perhaps Murray Rankin would sponsor it, if it's written correctly?  Maybe.

That's all for now.
Thanks for reading!

Sam Vekemans
Victoria (Songhees), BC

P.S  I now use the addition of 'Songhees' is my location, since this is the original name of the area before it was illegally taken over by the 'settlers' from Europe.

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