This is the 1st post.
Creating a Sensible Canada - Listing the Marijuana Issue Stance of Elected Officials
The idea of this blog is to use this site as a source to find out what the stance is on all of the Federal MPs of Canada (and all public officials).
Each post will be for e a different Elected official.
If you would like to help edit this, please email samvekemans @ gmail dot com or simply comment on posts to gain access.
Please comment on posts to share more details, Tweets, letters, videos, articles and the most recent is appreciated.
I'm working through the list of MPs Alphabetically, if anyone wants to help, this would make the process go faster.
I am adding a tag/label for each MP with their stance, so this can be sorted easier.
The sooner that we have an idea how many MPs support/appose then the sooner that we can work to educate these people and get a public statement.