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E-122 Cannabis Petition - Royal Commission on Cannabis

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Posting comments on Google Maps locations of MPs offices

As we all know, all locations has a google maps profile.  And now they can be merged with the Google+ profile.

As you can see (from the above screenview)  on Scot Andrews Google location page https://plus.google.com/108724945585774633294/about
Although the Google profile is not yet merged, it will be (over time, if pressured) https://plus.google.com/u/0/111501709145949424179/about

I'm now going through the List https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fgbSXsZ2go40vvquilujNMuW9caLp7DKJ3F5Yx39hsI/edit?usp=sharing and adding all of the cannabis policy statements i can find. 

I have found that Google didn't like how i added in my slides to the profile, so i don't do that.

If you would like to help, feel free to comment on the profiles & like / vote up my comment.

Hopefully within the next few months, all MPs will have comments on their Google Maps profile.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

6 Members of Parliament have not been asked their views of Cannabis Policy

6 Members of Parliament have not been asked their views of Cannabis Policy

According to my research, As of July 14, 2016, I have contacted all Members of Parliament (via email /facebook /twitter /snail-mail) and have found that there are still 6 members of Parliament who have not stated their views.   Some MPs refused to answer my question because i don't live in their riding, and others have refused to respond.  What's remarkable is that the people in these ridings have not actually bothered to take time to contact their local MP, and ask them to make a public statement on cannabis policy, so it would be available on the internet.  You can help by contacting these MPs and getting a statement.   For some of them, all it takes is a phone call.  Thanks!

