Daniel Blaikie, NDP Member of Parliament for 46005 Elmwood-Transcona (Manitoba)
Would you support legalizing a small amount of marijuana? Have you ever tried it?
We would decriminalize it right away because we don't think that people's lives should be ruined for small possession charges that have to do with personal use. I did a bachelor of arts degree and a master of arts degree and I got a trade certificate, so I've seen a lot.
Daniel Blaikie, NDP — Elmwood-Transcona
'The only way to get change is to change them out'
By Riley Chervinski, for CBC News Posted: Oct 06, 2015 7:45 AM CT Last Updated: Oct 06, 2015 7:45 AM CT

We, the undersigned, Citizens or residents of Canada, call upon the Government of Canada to establish an independent, fully-empowered Royal Commission into the health, social and economic costs associated with the legalization of Cannabis use including costs associated with prohibition, discrimination, organized crime, political favouritism and corruption.
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Doug Eyolfson, Liberal Member of Parliament for 46002 Charleswood-St. James-Assiniboia-Headingley (Manitoba)
Doug Eyolfson, Liberal Member of Parliament for 46002 Charleswood-St. James-Assiniboia-Headingley (Manitoba)
Would you support legalizing a small amount of marijuana? Have you ever tried it?
Whether or not I've tried it is a personal matter I would put under things like my medical history, so it's not something I would talk about.
I certainly support legalizing the possession and purchase of it. I think that the current system of laws do not do anything to make the community safer. I think prohibition is a failure. It's widespread in the community and the fact that it's illegal is a large criminal enterprise, which is actually making the community quite unsafe.
I've seen this from my own personal experience at work. I look after a lot of victims of violence, and much of that is violence of gang members involved in the drug trade. We need to get this out of the hands of criminals and into the hands of responsible licensed vendors.
This will also get it out of the hands of kids. We have the highest rate of marijuana usage among youth in the entire industrialized world because they have absolutely unrestricted access to it. They actually use it much more than alcohol because it's easier to get.
What we need to do is regulate it the way we do alcohol. You have to go to a licensed vendor and you have to produce ID to prove you're an adult. And when you regulate it like that, you can also tax it. That can create a revenue stream that's going into our general revenue, including things like infrastructure, as opposed to profits for criminal gangs.
Doug Eyolfson, Liberal — Charleswood-St. James-Assiniboia-Headingley
'When people are economically disadvantaged, that goes hand-in-hand with poor health'
CBC News Posted: Oct 06, 2015 7:17 AM CT Last Updated: Oct 06, 2015 7:23 AM CT
Would you support legalizing a small amount of marijuana? Have you ever tried it?
Whether or not I've tried it is a personal matter I would put under things like my medical history, so it's not something I would talk about.
I certainly support legalizing the possession and purchase of it. I think that the current system of laws do not do anything to make the community safer. I think prohibition is a failure. It's widespread in the community and the fact that it's illegal is a large criminal enterprise, which is actually making the community quite unsafe.
I've seen this from my own personal experience at work. I look after a lot of victims of violence, and much of that is violence of gang members involved in the drug trade. We need to get this out of the hands of criminals and into the hands of responsible licensed vendors.
This will also get it out of the hands of kids. We have the highest rate of marijuana usage among youth in the entire industrialized world because they have absolutely unrestricted access to it. They actually use it much more than alcohol because it's easier to get.
What we need to do is regulate it the way we do alcohol. You have to go to a licensed vendor and you have to produce ID to prove you're an adult. And when you regulate it like that, you can also tax it. That can create a revenue stream that's going into our general revenue, including things like infrastructure, as opposed to profits for criminal gangs.
Doug Eyolfson, Liberal — Charleswood-St. James-Assiniboia-Headingley
'When people are economically disadvantaged, that goes hand-in-hand with poor health'
CBC News Posted: Oct 06, 2015 7:17 AM CT Last Updated: Oct 06, 2015 7:23 AM CT
Sunday, June 12, 2016
Cheryl Hardcastle, NDP Member of Parliament for 35116 Windsor–Tecumseh (Ontario)
Cheryl Hardcastle, NDP Member of Parliament for 35116 Windsor–Tecumseh (Ontario)
"Well, we would decriminalize the possession of small amounts of marijuana and we would also implement a commission on the social and health impacts of marijuana.
The conservatives war on drugs has basically failed, we've seen that what it's done is stopped the study and we wouldn't make any further changes until we do have the expertise."
Uploaded on 7 Oct 2015
What is your party's stance on marijuana? Windsor-Tecumseh candidates (clockwise from top left) NDP Cheryl Hardcastle, Green David Momotiuk, Liberal Frank Schiller and Conservative Jo-Anne Gignac.
Interactive Video: Windsor-Tecumseh candidates answer to you
More from Dylan Kristy, Windsor Star
Published on: October 13, 2015 | Last Updated: October 19, 2015 11:20 AM EST
"Well, we would decriminalize the possession of small amounts of marijuana and we would also implement a commission on the social and health impacts of marijuana.
The conservatives war on drugs has basically failed, we've seen that what it's done is stopped the study and we wouldn't make any further changes until we do have the expertise."
Uploaded on 7 Oct 2015
What is your party's stance on marijuana? Windsor-Tecumseh candidates (clockwise from top left) NDP Cheryl Hardcastle, Green David Momotiuk, Liberal Frank Schiller and Conservative Jo-Anne Gignac.
Interactive Video: Windsor-Tecumseh candidates answer to you
More from Dylan Kristy, Windsor Star
Published on: October 13, 2015 | Last Updated: October 19, 2015 11:20 AM EST
Saturday, June 11, 2016
Celina Caesar-Chavannes, Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister & Liberal Member of Parliament for 35114 Whitby (Ontario)
Celina Caesar-Chavannes, Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister & Liberal Member of Parliament for 35114 Whitby (Ontario)
Hello NORML Canada Team,
I apologize for delay in responding. This email must have been missed.
Three or four years ago, this issue would not have been as pressing to me as it is now. I have a 16 year old daughter who is very active politically in her school and reminds me of the ease at which she can get marijuana (and many other drugs) at her high school. While we try to protect our children, it is impossible to do so without help from our social/justice system.
I am in favour of the legalization of marijuana. This legislation has worked in other districts, and is a better way of keeping the drug out of the hands of children and profit away from criminals.
Thursday, June 9, 2016
The Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould PC, Minister of Justice, Attorney General of Canada & Liberal Member of Parliament for 59036 Vancouver Granville (BC)
The Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould PC, Minister of Justice, Attorney General of Canada & Liberal Member of Parliament for 59036 Vancouver Granville (BC)
2016-06-07 11:43 GMT-07:00 Ministerial Correspondence Unit - Mailout <Ministerial. CorrespondenceUnit-Mailout@ justice.gc.ca>:
2016-06-07 11:43 GMT-07:00 Ministerial Correspondence Unit - Mailout <Ministerial.
Dear Mr. Vekemans:Thank you for your correspondence concerning marijuana. The Office of the Prime Minister and the offices of several of my colleagues have also forwarded to me a copy of your correspondence on this issue. I regret the lengthy delay in responding.It may interest you to know that our government will introduce legislation in the spring of 2017 in support of our commitment to legalize marijuana.It is important to note that, currently, the existing laws concerning marijuana remain in force. The possession, production, and trafficking of marijuana are some of the activities that are prohibited under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and are subject to law enforcement intervention, except where authorized by exemptions or regulations, such as the Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations.I am working with my colleagues the Honourable Ralph Goodale, Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, the Honourable Jane Philpott, Minister of Health, and my parliamentary secretary, Mr. Bill Blair, on the launch of a task force that will provide expert advice on how the legalization process should take place, including the strict regulation of and restriction of access to marijuana. The task force will include perspectives from many different sectors, including health, justice, law enforcement, and public safety.Our objective is to ensure that marijuana is kept out of the hands of children and the profits out of the hands of criminals. Please be assured that the protection of Canadians is a priority for us as we work on this issue.Thank you again for writing.Respectfully,The Honourable Jody Wilson‑Raybould, P.C., Q.C., M.P.
Monsieur,Je vous remercie de votre correspondance concernant la marijuana. Le Cabinet du Premier ministre et les bureaux de plusieurs de mes collègues m’ont également fait parvenir une copie de votre correspondance sur cette question. Je regrette le délai de cette réponse.Vous serez peut‑être intéressé d'apprendre que notre gouvernement déposera un projet de loi au printemps 2017 pour honorer notre engagement à légaliser la marijuana.Il importe de noter qu'actuellement, les dispositions existantes relatives à la marijuana demeurent en vigueur. Ainsi, la possession, la production et le trafic de la marijuana figurent parmi les activités qui sont interdites par la Loi réglementant certaines drogues et autres substances et qui sont susceptibles de faire l'objet d'interventions policières, sauf lorsqu'elles sont autorisées par des exceptions ou par les règlements applicables, tels que le Règlement sur l'accès à la marihuana à des fins médicales.Je travaille en collaboration avec mes collègues, l'honorable Ralph Goodale, ministre de la Sécurité publique et de la Protection civile, l'honorable Jane Philpott, ministre de la Santé, et mon secrétaire parlementaire, M. Bill Blair, à la mise sur pied d'un groupe de travail qui fournira des conseils d'experts à l'égard de la façon dont le processus de légalisation devrait se dérouler, y compris la stricte réglementation de la marijuana et la restriction de l'accès à cette substance. Le groupe de travail réunira les points de vue de plusieurs secteurs différents, notamment la santé, la justice, l'application de la loi et la sécurité publique.Notre objectif est de faire en sorte que la marijuana demeure hors de la portée des enfants et que les profits ne tombent pas entre les mains des criminels. Soyez assuré que, dans le cadre de notre travail sur cette question, nous accorderons la priorité à la protection des Canadiens et des Canadiennes.Je vous remercie d'avoir pris le temps de m'écrire et vous prie d'agréer, Monsieur, l'expression de mes sentiments les meilleurs.L'honorable Jody Wilson‑Raybould, c.p., c.r., députée
Saturday, June 4, 2016
Francesco Sorbara, Liberal Member of Parliament for Vaughan—Woodbridge (Ontario)
Francesco Sorbara, Liberal Member of Parliament for Vaughan—Woodbridge (Ontario)
Fellow former Toronto police chief Bill Blair, Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau and many others have talked of legalization in one form or another, but coffee shops?
“I say it because that is my opponent’s position,” Fantino said of Liberal Francesco Sorbara. “I see legalizing it or putting it in shops as trying to normalize narcotics, when the truth is there is nothing normal about it. It’s a mind-altering drug that causes impairments and like cigarettes is not healthy.”
Looking at past Facebook posts, I did find where Fantino would get the idea Sorbara supports pot in coffee shops.
“This is the right policy. To follow set up coffee shops and get the proceeds away from the drug gangs,” Sorbara posted in 2011.
I contacted Sorbara for clarification on his ideas. His campaign responded with an e-mail that didn’t mention coffee shops but did criticize the Conservatives’ approach.
“Under the current system, Canada has the highest teen usage of marijuana amongst developed countries,” the e-mail says.
“The Liberal solution is clear: If we pass smart laws that tax and strictly regulate marijuana, we can better protect our kids, while preventing millions of dollars from going into the pockets of criminal elements.”
Legal pot would be boon for organized crime: Fantino
Fellow former Toronto police chief Bill Blair, Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau and many others have talked of legalization in one form or another, but coffee shops?
“I say it because that is my opponent’s position,” Fantino said of Liberal Francesco Sorbara. “I see legalizing it or putting it in shops as trying to normalize narcotics, when the truth is there is nothing normal about it. It’s a mind-altering drug that causes impairments and like cigarettes is not healthy.”
Looking at past Facebook posts, I did find where Fantino would get the idea Sorbara supports pot in coffee shops.
“This is the right policy. To follow set up coffee shops and get the proceeds away from the drug gangs,” Sorbara posted in 2011.
I contacted Sorbara for clarification on his ideas. His campaign responded with an e-mail that didn’t mention coffee shops but did criticize the Conservatives’ approach.
“Under the current system, Canada has the highest teen usage of marijuana amongst developed countries,” the e-mail says.
“The Liberal solution is clear: If we pass smart laws that tax and strictly regulate marijuana, we can better protect our kids, while preventing millions of dollars from going into the pockets of criminal elements.”
Legal pot would be boon for organized crime: Fantino
Friday, June 3, 2016
Julie Dabrusin, Liberal Member of Parliament for 35109 Toronto—Danforth (Ontario)
Julie Dabrusin, Liberal Member of Parliament for 35109 Toronto—Danforth (Ontario)
"A federal perspective Toronto-Danforth MP Julie Dabrusin said when it comes to marijuana there are several issues at hand and said the sale of marijuana for recreational uses remains illegal. She also said there are “very strict rules” in place for the sale and use of medical marijuana. “There really should not be a grey zone,” she said. Dabrusin said anyone with concerns about marijuana dispensaries should contact police or their municipal representative. “I can’t comment on stores specifically (on Danforth),” she said, adding she’s always happy to hear what people are thinking and saying about this topic. “This is one of those issues that has divided jurisdictions.” "
Apr 27, 2016
‘Wild west’ of weed shops springing up along Danforth Avenue
Beach Mirror
By Joanna Lavoie
"A federal perspective Toronto-Danforth MP Julie Dabrusin said when it comes to marijuana there are several issues at hand and said the sale of marijuana for recreational uses remains illegal. She also said there are “very strict rules” in place for the sale and use of medical marijuana. “There really should not be a grey zone,” she said. Dabrusin said anyone with concerns about marijuana dispensaries should contact police or their municipal representative. “I can’t comment on stores specifically (on Danforth),” she said, adding she’s always happy to hear what people are thinking and saying about this topic. “This is one of those issues that has divided jurisdictions.” "
Apr 27, 2016
‘Wild west’ of weed shops springing up along Danforth Avenue
Beach Mirror
By Joanna Lavoie
The Honourable Patty Hajdu, Minister of Status of Women & Liberal Member of Parliament for 35106 Thunder Bay-Superior North (Ontario)
The Honourable Patty Hajdu, Minister of Status of Women & Liberal Member of Parliament for 35106 Thunder Bay-Superior North (Ontario)
The Liberal Party is committing to the legalization of marijuana. Further, as the author of the Thunder Bay Drug Strategy, I understand that the legalization of cannabis is the evidence-based way to reduce access by underage youth, decrease the criminalization of people who use substances, and ensure that marijuana consumed by Canadians is quality tested. Legalization can also generate revenue through taxation and save money on incarceration for substance use and trafficking related infractions.
I am firmly in support of cannabis legalization and in fact feel that better education of the Canadian public is required to help voters understand the flaws with the NDP stance of decriminalization, the largest being the supply remaining with the black market.
Patty Hajdu
Liberal Candidate, Thunder Bay Superior North riding
2015 elections
The Liberal Party is committing to the legalization of marijuana. Further, as the author of the Thunder Bay Drug Strategy, I understand that the legalization of cannabis is the evidence-based way to reduce access by underage youth, decrease the criminalization of people who use substances, and ensure that marijuana consumed by Canadians is quality tested. Legalization can also generate revenue through taxation and save money on incarceration for substance use and trafficking related infractions.
I am firmly in support of cannabis legalization and in fact feel that better education of the Canadian public is required to help voters understand the flaws with the NDP stance of decriminalization, the largest being the supply remaining with the black market.
Patty Hajdu
Liberal Candidate, Thunder Bay Superior North riding
2015 elections
Paul Lefebvre, Liberal Member of Parliament for 35103 Sudbury (Ontario)
Paul Lefebvre, Liberal Member of Parliament for 35103 Sudbury (Ontario)
Thank you for your question.
Liberals believe that legalization—not simply decriminalization—is the best way to keep marijuana out of the hands of children, prevent the proceeds from funding criminal activities, and reduce the negative health impacts.
As you know, the Conservatives’ approach to marijuana is failing our children. As we know from the World Health Organization, Canada has the highest teen usage of marijuana amongst the countries surveyed.
The system is clearly broken. The Liberal solution is clear: If we pass smart laws that tax and strictly regulate marijuana, we can better protect our children, while preventing millions of dollars from going into the pockets of criminal organizations and street gangs.
Thanks again for this opportunity!
Paul Lefebvre
Federal Liberal Candidate for Sudbury
2015 election
Thank you for your question.
Liberals believe that legalization—not simply decriminalization—is the best way to keep marijuana out of the hands of children, prevent the proceeds from funding criminal activities, and reduce the negative health impacts.
As you know, the Conservatives’ approach to marijuana is failing our children. As we know from the World Health Organization, Canada has the highest teen usage of marijuana amongst the countries surveyed.
The system is clearly broken. The Liberal solution is clear: If we pass smart laws that tax and strictly regulate marijuana, we can better protect our children, while preventing millions of dollars from going into the pockets of criminal organizations and street gangs.
Thanks again for this opportunity!
Paul Lefebvre
Federal Liberal Candidate for Sudbury
2015 election
Bill Blair, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada & Liberal Member of Parliament for 35098 Scarborough Southwest (Ontario)
Bill Blair, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada & Liberal Member of Parliament for 35098 Scarborough Southwest (Ontario)
"TORONTO – Former Toronto police chief Bill Blair says he supports the legalization of marijuana in Canada as long as there is a strong regulatory component to it."
April 30, 2015 5:24 am
By David Shum, Web Producer Global News
'Bill Blair backs legalization of marijuana, defends carding as he seeks Liberal seat'
"TORONTO – Former Toronto police chief Bill Blair says he supports the legalization of marijuana in Canada as long as there is a strong regulatory component to it."
April 30, 2015 5:24 am
By David Shum, Web Producer Global News
'Bill Blair backs legalization of marijuana, defends carding as he seeks Liberal seat'
Salma Zahid, Liberal Member of Parliament for 35094 Scarborough Centre (Ontario)
Salma Zahid, Liberal Member of Parliament for 35094 Scarborough Centre (Ontario)
"@larryriceman I support the #lpc position on this issue. Regulate marijuana and keep it out of the hands of children."
9:06 AM - 27 Oct 2015
I support the position of the Liberal Party on this issue, including the legalization of marijuana as outlined by our leader, Justin Trudeau.
Salma Zahid
2015 election
"@larryriceman I support the #lpc position on this issue. Regulate marijuana and keep it out of the hands of children."
9:06 AM - 27 Oct 2015
I support the position of the Liberal Party on this issue, including the legalization of marijuana as outlined by our leader, Justin Trudeau.
Salma Zahid
2015 election
Terry Sheehan, Liberal Member of Parliament for Sault Ste. Marie (Ontario)
Terry Sheehan, Liberal Member of Parliament for Sault Ste. Marie (Ontario)
He also said he plans to vote in favour of Liberal legislation to implement middle class tax relief, and plans to live up to his pledge to lobby for highway improvement on behalf of the community.
Sheehan wins in Sault
Sarah Petz
Monday, November 2, 2015 2:22:14 EST PM
He also said he plans to vote in favour of Liberal legislation to implement middle class tax relief, and plans to live up to his pledge to lobby for highway improvement on behalf of the community.
Sheehan wins in Sault
Sarah Petz
Monday, November 2, 2015 2:22:14 EST PM
Marilyn Gladu, Conservative Member of Parliament for 35091 Sarnia-Lambton (Ontario)
Marilyn Gladu, Conservative Member of Parliament for 35091 Sarnia-Lambton (Ontario)
Sarnia-Lambton Conservative Marilyn Gladu veered slightly from her party's tough-on-drugs platform Thursday by endorsing the decriminalization of marijuana during a student-organized debate.
“I don't want to see people taking up time in our court system for having a couple of joints, so I would support that,” she said when asked for her stance on decriminalization at Thursday's Calling All Candidates debate.
Despite her position on decriminalization, Gladu said she isn't supportive of taking it a step further with legalization.
“As a youth leader, I can tell you in 30 years I've seen a huge number of kids that started off smoking weed and then their buddies or their drug dealers sold them into something that is really nasty and that's the beginning of a trail that leads to violence and death and destruction of their lives, so no, we're not a fan of legalizing marijuana.”
Lambton College students pack lunch-hour federal election debate
By Barbara Simpson, Sarnia Observer
Thursday, September 24, 2015 5:36:31 EDT PM
Sarnia-Lambton Conservative Marilyn Gladu veered slightly from her party's tough-on-drugs platform Thursday by endorsing the decriminalization of marijuana during a student-organized debate.
“I don't want to see people taking up time in our court system for having a couple of joints, so I would support that,” she said when asked for her stance on decriminalization at Thursday's Calling All Candidates debate.
Despite her position on decriminalization, Gladu said she isn't supportive of taking it a step further with legalization.
“As a youth leader, I can tell you in 30 years I've seen a huge number of kids that started off smoking weed and then their buddies or their drug dealers sold them into something that is really nasty and that's the beginning of a trail that leads to violence and death and destruction of their lives, so no, we're not a fan of legalizing marijuana.”
Lambton College students pack lunch-hour federal election debate
By Barbara Simpson, Sarnia Observer
Thursday, September 24, 2015 5:36:31 EDT PM
Chris Bittle, Liberal Member of Parliament for 35089 St. Catharines (Ontario)
Chris Bittle, Liberal Member of Parliament for 35089 St. Catharines (Ontario)
Our position on legislation and regulations of marijuana is clear and I stand by the party’s position. Sorry. That sent before I was finished my email.
I’ll attach an article that ran my comments on the subject http://www.wellandtribune.ca/2015/08/13/niagara-candidates-talk-pot
The current prohibition on marijuana has not worked. Marijuana is less harmful than alcohol and tobacco and has medicinal applications. As we’ve seen from Colorado, legalization and regulation is an evidenced based policy that works.
2015 election
@acrosscanada we were the only party to run on legalization. Stay tuned. We're going to do this right, not quickly and haphazardly.— Chris Bittle (@Chris_Bittle) July 2, 2016
Our position on legislation and regulations of marijuana is clear and I stand by the party’s position. Sorry. That sent before I was finished my email.
I’ll attach an article that ran my comments on the subject http://www.wellandtribune.ca/2015/08/13/niagara-candidates-talk-pot
The current prohibition on marijuana has not worked. Marijuana is less harmful than alcohol and tobacco and has medicinal applications. As we’ve seen from Colorado, legalization and regulation is an evidenced based policy that works.
2015 election
Majid Jowhari, Liberal Member of Parliament for 35087 Richmond Hill (Ontario)
Majid Jowhari, Liberal Member of Parliament for 35087 Richmond Hill (Ontario)
Keep them out of our kids hands!
Majid Jowhari via Justin Trudeau
August 14, 2015 ·
Keep them out of our kids hands!
Majid Jowhari via Justin Trudeau
August 14, 2015 ·
Thursday, June 2, 2016
Jennifer O'Connell, Liberal Member of Parliament for 35085 Pickering—Uxbridge (Ontario)
Jennifer O'Connell, Liberal Member of Parliament for 35085 Pickering—Uxbridge (Ontario)
As a Liberal candidate in the upcoming Federal election, I share the Liberal party’s position on the need for legalizing marijuana. We believe that legalization—not simply decriminalization—is the best way to keep marijuana out of the hands of children, prevent the proceeds from funding criminal activities, and reduce the negative health impacts.
The Conservatives’ approach to marijuana is failing our children. As we know from a recent World Health Organization report, Canada has the highest teen usage of marijuana amongst the countries surveyed. The system is clearly broken. The Liberal solution is clear: If we pass smart laws that tax and strictly regulate marijuana, we can better protect our children, while preventing millions of dollars from going into the pockets of criminal organizations and street gangs.
Thank you and please let me know if you have further questions.
Jennifer “
2015 election
As a Liberal candidate in the upcoming Federal election, I share the Liberal party’s position on the need for legalizing marijuana. We believe that legalization—not simply decriminalization—is the best way to keep marijuana out of the hands of children, prevent the proceeds from funding criminal activities, and reduce the negative health impacts.
The Conservatives’ approach to marijuana is failing our children. As we know from a recent World Health Organization report, Canada has the highest teen usage of marijuana amongst the countries surveyed. The system is clearly broken. The Liberal solution is clear: If we pass smart laws that tax and strictly regulate marijuana, we can better protect our children, while preventing millions of dollars from going into the pockets of criminal organizations and street gangs.
Thank you and please let me know if you have further questions.
Jennifer “
2015 election
The Honourable Maryam Monsef PC, Minister of Democratic Institutions & Liberal Member of Parliament for 35084 Peterborough—Kawartha (Ontario)
The Honourable Maryam Monsef PC, Minister of Democratic Institutions & Liberal Member of Parliament for 35084 Peterborough—Kawartha (Ontario)
Local Liberal candidate Maryam Monsef says alcohol and tobacco are examples of how specific regulations can protect our youths and generate tax revenue while taking proceeds away from criminal organizations.
“The reality is that Mr. Harper and his Conservative approach to marijuana is failing our children,” she says, noting that a recent World Health Association report stated that Canada teens are the highest marijuana users among the countries surveyed.
“If we pass smart laws that tax and strictly regulate marijuana we can better protect our kids while preventing millions of dollars from going into the pockets of criminal organizations,” she says.
What are the consequences if marijuana is legalized?
Fri., Oct 02, 2015 | By Todd Vandonk
Local Liberal candidate Maryam Monsef says alcohol and tobacco are examples of how specific regulations can protect our youths and generate tax revenue while taking proceeds away from criminal organizations.
“The reality is that Mr. Harper and his Conservative approach to marijuana is failing our children,” she says, noting that a recent World Health Association report stated that Canada teens are the highest marijuana users among the countries surveyed.
“If we pass smart laws that tax and strictly regulate marijuana we can better protect our kids while preventing millions of dollars from going into the pockets of criminal organizations,” she says.
What are the consequences if marijuana is legalized?
Fri., Oct 02, 2015 | By Todd Vandonk
John Nater, Conservative Member of Parliament for 35083 Perth-Wellington (Ontario)
John Nater, Conservative Member of Parliament for 35083 Perth-Wellington (Ontario)
PM Harper Announces Plan to Strengthen the National Anti-Drug Strategy
August 13, 2015
The Issue
Stephen Harper’s Conservative Government has taken consistent action to crack down on
illegal drugs in our neighbourhoods:
The Safe Streets and Communities Act (Bill C-10) which was passed in March
2012 established mandatory minimums for certain drug offences such as
Vanessa’s Law which was passed in November 2014 to protect Canadian from
unsafe medicine by (i) introducing new penalties for unsafe penalties, (ii)
compelling drug companies to revise labels to better reflect health-risk
information in plain language, and (iii) enhancing surveillance by requiring
mandatory adverse drug reaction reporting by health-care institutions.
The Drug Free Prisons Act was passed in June 2015 to stipulate that the Parole
Board of Canada has authorities to account for failed drug tests or refused drug
tests in parole decisions.
The National Anti-Drug Strategy was launched, renewed and enhanced to
prevent drug use, treat dependency, and reduce the production and distribution
of illicit drugs and prescription drug abuse.
PM Harper Announces Plan to Strengthen the National Anti-Drug Strategy
August 13, 2015
The Issue
Stephen Harper’s Conservative Government has taken consistent action to crack down on
illegal drugs in our neighbourhoods:
The Safe Streets and Communities Act (Bill C-10) which was passed in March
2012 established mandatory minimums for certain drug offences such as
Vanessa’s Law which was passed in November 2014 to protect Canadian from
unsafe medicine by (i) introducing new penalties for unsafe penalties, (ii)
compelling drug companies to revise labels to better reflect health-risk
information in plain language, and (iii) enhancing surveillance by requiring
mandatory adverse drug reaction reporting by health-care institutions.
The Drug Free Prisons Act was passed in June 2015 to stipulate that the Parole
Board of Canada has authorities to account for failed drug tests or refused drug
tests in parole decisions.
The National Anti-Drug Strategy was launched, renewed and enhanced to
prevent drug use, treat dependency, and reduce the production and distribution
of illicit drugs and prescription drug abuse.
Arif Virani, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship & Liberal Member of Parliament for 35081 Parkdale—High Park (Ontario)
Arif Virani, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship & Liberal Member of Parliament for 35081 Parkdale—High Park (Ontario)
“The Liberal Party of Canada supports the legalization of Marijuana”
2015 election
“The Liberal Party of Canada supports the legalization of Marijuana”
2015 election
Andrew Leslie, Liberal Member of Parliament for 35076 Orléans (Ontario)
Andrew Leslie, Liberal Member of Parliament for 35076 Orléans (Ontario)
Marijuana debate
One part of the election that gained attention was Trudeau's promise to legalize marijuana.
"The whole idea behind is to ensure access to marijuana is regulated," said Leslie. "Properly controlled, properly administered, and to make it as safe as possible for recreation consumption."
Although we don’t know when or how it will happen, as Leslie said it is probably many years away, the main point is to "keep the dollars out of the criminals hands."
Leslie settles in as MP
Kelly SniderPublished on October 30, 2015
Marijuana debate
One part of the election that gained attention was Trudeau's promise to legalize marijuana.
"The whole idea behind is to ensure access to marijuana is regulated," said Leslie. "Properly controlled, properly administered, and to make it as safe as possible for recreation consumption."
Although we don’t know when or how it will happen, as Leslie said it is probably many years away, the main point is to "keep the dollars out of the criminals hands."
Leslie settles in as MP
Kelly SniderPublished on October 30, 2015
The Honourable Catherine Mary McKenna PC, Minister of Environment and Climate Change & Liberal Member of Parliament for 35075 Ottawa Centre (Ontario)
The Honourable Catherine Mary McKenna PC, Minister of Environment and Climate Change & Liberal Member of Parliament for 35075 Ottawa Centre (Ontario)
In response to your email query as to whether Ms. McKenna supports or opposes marijuana legalization, I am writing to let you know that Ms. McKenna supports the legalization of marijuana.
Kind regards,
– Team Catherine”
2015 election
In response to your email query as to whether Ms. McKenna supports or opposes marijuana legalization, I am writing to let you know that Ms. McKenna supports the legalization of marijuana.
Kind regards,
– Team Catherine”
2015 election
Pam Damoff, Liberal Member of Parliament for 35073 Oakville North—Burlington (Ontario)
Pam Damoff, Liberal Member of Parliament for 35073 Oakville North—Burlington (Ontario)
A Liberal government led by @JustinTrudeau will legalize, regulate and restrict access to marijuana http://bit.ly/1PkLX3g #elxn42 #cdnpoli
7:42 PM - 15 Oct 2015
A Liberal government led by @JustinTrudeau will legalize, regulate and restrict access to marijuana http://bit.ly/1PkLX3g #elxn42 #cdnpoli
7:42 PM - 15 Oct 2015
John Oliver, Liberal Member of Parliament for 35072 Oakville (Ontario)
John Oliver, Liberal Member of Parliament for 35072 Oakville (Ontario)
It's still up for debate, but if we were to look at this, I think it would also be important to look at what regulation does to improve things and to reduce the risk to children. Regulation allows licensed manufacturing. It allows potency to be identified on labels, much like production of alcohol, so that you understand what you are absorbing. It's released through controlled environments, rather than the black market and the uncertainty of that. I think the regulation aspects of how it's prepared, licensed, and regulated may mitigate the risks of children being exposed to it.
I think we could probably all quickly agree that children using marijuana is completely unacceptable and that there are health risks. There are a lot of studies that show the long-term consequences of underage young Canadians using marijuana, so how do you better restrict access? I don't remember the exact numbers, but I think the WHO study—the World Health Organization—said that right now Canadian teens are the highest or second-highest users of marijuana globally. How do we reduce access, or limit access, or have zero access to marijuana, while at the same time regulating the production of it and licensing its release?
February 17th, 2016 / 4:35 p.m.
John Oliver Oakville, ON
It's still up for debate, but if we were to look at this, I think it would also be important to look at what regulation does to improve things and to reduce the risk to children. Regulation allows licensed manufacturing. It allows potency to be identified on labels, much like production of alcohol, so that you understand what you are absorbing. It's released through controlled environments, rather than the black market and the uncertainty of that. I think the regulation aspects of how it's prepared, licensed, and regulated may mitigate the risks of children being exposed to it.
I think we could probably all quickly agree that children using marijuana is completely unacceptable and that there are health risks. There are a lot of studies that show the long-term consequences of underage young Canadians using marijuana, so how do you better restrict access? I don't remember the exact numbers, but I think the WHO study—the World Health Organization—said that right now Canadian teens are the highest or second-highest users of marijuana globally. How do we reduce access, or limit access, or have zero access to marijuana, while at the same time regulating the production of it and licensing its release?
February 17th, 2016 / 4:35 p.m.
John Oliver Oakville, ON
Vance Badawey, Liberal Member of Parliament for 35066 Niagara Centre (Ontario)
Vance Badawey, Liberal Member of Parliament for 35066 Niagara Centre (Ontario)
Badawey represents the polar opposite of that stance, leaning toward full legalization of recreational use with stiff regulations like those for tobacco or alcohol. He said the current regime of prohibition eats up resources while failing to curb drug use in youth.
He said often individuals try to skirt the divisive issue.
“People somewhat walk on egg shells,” he said, explaining regulation would keep the drug out of the hands of youth while freeing up legal resources.
“Regulating its use will prevent it from getting into the hands of underage citizens,” he said, noting legalization would also deal a blow to criminal elements that capitalize on the trade of the drug.
Sep 30, 2015
Niagara Centre candidates talk pot
Niagara This Week - Welland
By Steve Henschel
Kyle Peterson, Liberal Member of Parliament for 35065 Newmarket—Aurora (Ontario)
Kyle Peterson, Liberal Member of Parliament for 35065 Newmarket—Aurora (Ontario)
Sam Vekemans @acrosscanada 20m20 minutes ago
Kyle Peterson @kylejpeterson has not made a statement on cannabis (marijuana) policy yet. Please encourage him todo so. #cdnpoli
@acrosscanada Yes I have. Many times. I am supportive of our party position. Thanks.
5:43 PM - 6 Feb 2016
Sam Vekemans @acrosscanada 20m20 minutes ago
Kyle Peterson @kylejpeterson has not made a statement on cannabis (marijuana) policy yet. Please encourage him todo so. #cdnpoli
@acrosscanada Yes I have. Many times. I am supportive of our party position. Thanks.
5:43 PM - 6 Feb 2016
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