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Charlie Angus
Hill Office
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6
Telephone: 613-992-2919
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Constituency Office(s)
- 60 Wilson Ave 2nd Floor Timmins, Ontario P4N 2S7 Telephone: 705-268-6464 Fax: 705-266-9125
- 30 Second Street Suite 201 PO Box 276 Kirkland Lake, Ontario P2N 3H7 Telephone: 705-567-2747 Fax: 705-567-5232
© House of Commons
***** Open Letter to a Minister
Medical marijuana patients deserve answers in privacy breach
Hon Rona Ambrose
Minister of Health
House of Commons
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0A6
November 26, 2013
Minister of Health
House of Commons
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0A6
November 26, 2013
We are seriously concerned that this government continues to fail to protect the privacy of Canadians and for those affected by this latest breach. We look forward to your reply.
Libby Davies, MP Charlie Angus, MP
Vancouver East Timmins-James Bay
NDP Spokesperson for Health NDP Spokesperson for Ethics
Posted 16 July 2004 - 07:30 PM
Some interesting info about Charlie Angus, NDP MP-elect for Timmins-James Bay and pot:Tackling Election Issues
Another divisive issue regards the legalization of marijuana. "To quote Nancy Regan: Just Say No," stated Van Oosten. "I think it's irresponsible for us as a government to allow legalization of marijuana or any other drug of that sort because it's a gateway drug and we have to ensure we protect our young people."
Angus believes legalizing marijuana would allow the government stricter controls of the production and manufacturing of it. "And I think we would get rid of organized crime in our towns."
"What I wouldn't do is like the Alliance Conservatives. They want to criminalize, get police, get jails and let's do like the Americans and let our crime rate that's a real good thing for Canada," said Chenier emphatically. To which Van Oosten interrupted: "People don't have a social doobie, they smoke marijuana to get high. It's totally irresponsible."
Angus Talks About Issues of Health and Pot
Angus says he’s ready to face the tough issues of this election. He believes health care is the most serious. Another is his party leader’s view that marijuana should be legalized. The NDP is the only federal party with a formal policy to support legal marijuana. Jack Layton is in favour of modernizing Canada’s marijuana laws and so is Angus.
Angus says as long as marijuana is illegal, it’ll continue to be run by biker gangs. He says if it were to be kept under Federal control, how pot is sold and who sells it can be monitored. "I think we’re better to have an honest discussion about it as opposed to standing up and pretending we’re all going to look down on those who do because we know lots of people who are very respectable who smoke pot."
Here is an article he has written on pot:
Speed Demons
(Source links are broken)
On Dec 9, 2013 12:36 AM, "Sam Vekemans" <> wrote:
December 9, 2013
Member: Charlie Angus Constituency Office: 60 Wilson Ave 2nd Floor Timmins, Ontario P4N 2S7
Telephone: 705-268-6464 Fax: 705-266-9125 Email:
Dear Charlie Angus,
Do you support the simple removal of Cannabis/Marijuana from the criminal code of Canada, and let it be treated the same as Lettuce, Tomato, Oregano, Roses, Aloe Vera, Fern or any other common garden herb, flower or house plant?
Do you know the difference between Cannabis Sativa, Cannabis Indica, and Cannabis Ruderalis?
I look forward to receiving your responses as it will be made public, so then others wont need to ask you the same question.
Kind regards,
Sam Vekemans (address)
P.S. All 303 Members of Parliament are being asked these same questions.
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