Stella Ambler
Hill Office
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6
Telephone: 613-992-4848
Fax: 613-996-3267
Mail may be sent postage-free to any Member of Parliament.
Constituency Office(s)
- 260 Lakeshore Road East (Main Office) Mississauga, Ontario L5G 1G9 Telephone: 905-278-4111 Fax: 905-278-4440
Strong oppose
Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada
Statements By Members
June 19th, 2014 / 2:10 p.m.
Mr. Speaker, yesterday the leader of the Liberal Party tried to say that Canadians just could not understand his nuanced position on marijuana. He tried to say that he will not put illegal narcotics in convenience stores and that this was all just a big misunderstanding.
However, the very same day, the so-called “queen of pot”, Jodie Emery, announced that she had been approached by the Liberal Party to run as a candidate in Vancouver East. She explained that the reason she wanted to run as a Liberal candidate was to show that the Liberals are serious about smoking marijuana as a normal, everyday Canadian activity. In her own words, “It would basically be to say, ‘The Liberals support legalization’.”
As a mother, I am shocked by the reckless plan being put forward by the leader of the Liberal Party. Our Conservative government will continue to crack down on criminals and drug dealers, unlike the leader of the Liberal Party, who continues to try to push dangerous and illegal drugs on our children.
**** The news (The Georgia Straight) that Stella is referring to is linked below. It made news (Huffington Post BC) the same day that Stella spoke of it, causing free publicity promotion. :) **** Emery, Princess Of Pot, Set To Run For Federal Liberals
The Huffington Post B.C.
Posted: 06/19/2014 5:04 pm EDT | Updated: 06/19/2014 5:59 pm EDT
Liberals woo cannabis queen Jodie Emery as a secret weapon ahead of the 2015 election
Julie Desjardins is the Liberal Nominee for Mississauga Lakeshore
@StellaAmblerMP Isn't it about time to unschedule Cannabis? Thanks in advance for your support! #cdnpoli #marijuana #hemp
— Sam Vekemans (@acrosscanada) February 19, 2014
Sep 30, 2013
Pro-pot protesters call for cannabis crusader's return
MISSISSAUGA — If you were in Port Credit
yesterday afternoon, you may have noticed a dozen or so protesters
marching briskly along Lakeshore Rd.
.....Asked if his organization tried to contact Ambler before the protest, instead of showing up unannounced on a Sunday afternoon when offices are generally empty, Guerbilsky replied: "Not with Stella Ambler's office directly, no. We'll drop off the letter … if she wants to reach out to us, we're happy to talk."
On Dec 6, 2013 9:10 PM, "Sam Vekemans" <> wrote:
December 6, 2013
Member: Stella Ambler Constituency Office: 260 Lakeshore Road East (Main Office) Mississauga, Ontario L5G 1G9
Telephone: 905-278-4111 Fax: 905-278-4440 Email:
Dear Stella Ambler,
Do you support the simple removal of Cannabis/Marijuana from the criminal code of Canada, and let it be treated the same as Lettuce, Tomato, Oregano, Roses, Aloe Vera, Fern or any other common garden herb, flower or house plant?
Do you know the difference between Cannabis Sativa, Cannabis Indica, and Cannabis Ruderalis?
I look forward to receiving your responses as it will be made public, so then others wont need to ask you the same question.
Kind regards,
Sam Vekemans (address)
P.S. All 303 Members of Parliament are being asked these same questions.