John Williamson
Hill Office
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6
Telephone: 613-995-5550
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Constituency Office(s)
- 120 Milltown Blvd (Main Office) St. Stephen, New Brunswick E3L 1G6 Telephone: 506-466-3928 Fax: 506-466-2813
- 192 River Valley Drive Suite 1 Grand Bay - Westfield, New Brunswick E5K 1A4 Telephone: 506-738-3634 Fax: 506-738-3636
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strong oppose
Legalization of Marijuana Statements By Members
February 3rd, 2014 / 2:15 p.m.
John Williamson New Brunswick Southwest, NB
Mr. Speaker, this morning the Liberal justice critic told CBC Radio that a survey I sent to my constituents is fearmongering, because it reported the outcome of the Liberal plan to legalize marijuana. I noted that the Liberal leader had smoked weed as an MP while voting for tougher penalties against drug dealers; that the Liberal leader had promoted his plan to school kids in a school; that the Liberal policy is to legalize pot; and that the Liberals plan to sell marijuana in stores.
The Liberals do not want Canadians to know what will happen if pot if legalized, yet I take their leader at face value when he said, “My vision of what the legalization of marijuana would look like is loosely based on how we control alcohol”.
There are only two examples of how government regulates the sale of controlled substances: alcohol and tobacco. What other models are there? Alcohol is sold in stores all over Canada. Under the Liberal plan, pot too will be available in local stores, and if it is not, why legalize it?
Conservative MP John Williamson attacks Justin Trudeau's 'pot plan'
Flyer mailed to constituents alleges that Liberal Leader plans to sell marijuana in N.B. stores
Feb 03, 2014 12:36 PM AT
CBC News
New Brunswick Southwest MP John Williamson has sent a flyer to constituents asking for their reaction to Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau's so-called "pot plan."
The survey, titled "Liberals plan to sell marijuana in N.B. stores," asks constituents to select whether they believe "Drugs are illegal and should stay that way," or "Marijuana should be stocked on local store shelves."
Williamson said the options are intended to be clear-cut.
"Questions that are namby-pamby or try to split the difference don't really receive good responses," he said. "When there's a clear choice, in this case legalizing pot or not, they tend to provide higher responses on both sides.
"Since this hit mailboxes in my riding, the first response … tends to be on the negative side, then over the next couple weeks we get responses in the mail which affirm the government's position, my position on these questionnaires.
Williamson provides his stance in the mail-out, stating, "Marijuana should not be legalized."
.... .
Tory MP attacks Justin Trudeau’s ‘pot plan’ in flyer sent to constituents
Ishmael N. Daro
Published: February 5, 2014, 11:46 am
Updated: 4 weeks ago
... The flyer isn’t completely one-sided, though. It allows for voters to check off how they feel about marijuana and send it back to Williamson’s office, although a cynic might consider the two possible answers somewhat narrow: “Drugs are illegal and should stay that way” and “Marijuana should be stocked on local store shelves.”
Presumably there is no way to only stock marijuana on the shelves of non-local stores.
The Conservative Party is against legalization and has even tightened some of the laws surrounding marijuana. The NDP favours decriminalization and the Liberals recently endorsed full legalization.
Tory MP John Williamson’s flyer attacking Justin Trudeau’s “pot policy” (imgur/reddit)
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