Further, Sam has created a set of 10 Google Slideshow presentations which include a direct quote along with the MPs photo, riding and the source date, title, author (where applicable) and a direct URL for reference.
Sam has put this information as CC-0 meaning its public domain so anyone is free to use these slides in any way they wish. Currently, the slides get downloaded as .png images and uploaded to the projects blog http://unschedulecannabis.blogspot.ca and to the projects Facebook page.
He also uploads the images to MPs facebook page as well as tweets from his @Acrosscanada twitter account to the MPs. ''The best way that people can be of help is simply sharing the posts and slides to their networks so to get the information out'' Sam says that anyone is free to download and share and reuse the information.
UPDATE: The MPs statements can be found on SlideShare. Please share across social media to get these statements known.
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