Cannabis and Mental Health:
A short essay by Sam Vekemans,
Victoria BC
October 26, 2014
... We create peace by leading by example, and not by force.
Legalizing cannabis will help those in need of mental help as the provincial governments don't consider counseling/therapy as 'health related' so it's not covered under the healthcare plan. Family doctors are not trained counsellors and should not be put into a position to be giving counseling advice.
Some people use alcohol and/or cigarettes to cope with their unchecked mental health issues. .... some people take on gambling, others take on buying expensive things; Some people regress socially, and don't know how to cope, for example, a loss of a loved one. Where the best course action is to get help, but because it's not covered (like dentistry) people don't seek the help they need.
Cannabis works, similar to how alcohol works and cigarettes, as it affects the mind, and calms it to an extent. With alcohol, it helps you to 'loosen up'. Some people drink beer after a hard days work. ..... or if a difficult family issue (kid at 16 moves out of home), some people choose alcohol. .... and that does lead to spousal and family abuse.
But having a cannabis tea or juice, or vaporized with a vape-pen can work just great.... without the abusive side effects of alcohol. ... cannabis consumption makes the user feel better inside.
Should feeling better about yourself be a crime? I don't think so.
Just like alcohol doesn't solve the problems, it just calms the mind. When individual family counselors/therapists become part of the provincial healthcare plan, I guarantee that people will use it. .... family doctors will have a list of local councilors available.
Just like how we all recognize that physical health is important enough to pay for with the provincial system, mental health needs to be covered.
We know that the guy even asked to be jailed in BC. (google it to find the link). It's sad that in prison, counseling is available as part of a rehabilitation, but not for regular people like us.
Please take some time to understand mental health, and encourage your provincial governments to make this part of the healthcare plan. .... and of course, making cannabis removed from the drug schedule will solve a lot of problems. ..... you don't get angry with cannabis.
(i don't smoke it for fear of being fired at my place of employment, but i wish i could) .... it's safer than advil. And the Colorado 'experiment' is working, crime rate has fallen and people are more relaxed.
An example to follow is in the Government of Saskatchewan health services plan: Adult Community Mental Health
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