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E-122 Cannabis Petition - Royal Commission on Cannabis

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Proposed Bill S-420 'The Cannabis Freedom Act' An Act to Remove Cannabis from the Drug Schedule

This is the proposed legislation, to be presented to all Members of Parliament and all Senators of the Upper House of Parliament.


This is the Google Document that the Act is being edited on.


You can write to the new Minister of Justice, asking her to support this legislation.  (copy the text and fill in your contact details)

It's great that Justin Trudeau got elected and is now the "Right Honourable Justin Trudeau  PC"  He said that he will legalize cannabis, so now the task is to find out exactly WHAT does this mean ....
I have written and spoke to the liberal Party directly in the past, and they refused to answer the question of 'Will the Liberal Party support removal of cannabis from the Drug Schedule?''
As we know that it's the Upper House, (the Senate) who are the ones who actually pass bills, it makes sense to ask the Liberal Senators if they would support this act.  (i made the bill as S-420 rather than C-420 as perhaps a senator will support it).  If there is a Member of Parliament who will support it, then it will be changed to C-420.  
My plan is to approach the various Members of Parliament in the Greater Victoria area (on Vancouver Island, BC) and ask them what their views are about this, and how i can improve it.
If you (the reader) sees any errors in the document, PLEASE contact me (comment on the slideshare, or this blogpost, or on facebook or in the document directly, then it can be edited.
I'm looking for some assistance on the translation into french.  (I use Google Translate, but it's not always right).
Sam Vekemans
Victoria, BC

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