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E-122 Cannabis Petition - Royal Commission on Cannabis

Monday, February 15, 2016

E-18 Cannabis Petition has now reached 5,000 signatures!

Thank you to everyone who has signed so far, and shared the e-18 Cannabis petition.
A great thanks to the cannabis community and to Dana Larsen, of SensibleBC who played a big part to get this petition text to be the best it can be.     It's now only been 5 days to reach 5,000 signatures (where on Friday it reached 3,000 signatures.)

It's being shared by lots of people on twitter & Facebook and around the internet and on news articles
But the e-petition is not all that we are doing to make our voices heard.    Across the Country we are having PAPER petitions available at MPs Offices, so then they can present them to Parliament.    With multiple MPs submitting the petitions, we will make a big impact.  
Having hundreds of paper signatures, and thousands of digital signatures on the e-petition we can sent a Message to the Government of Canada that we want to end prohibition!
In 2000, the the Liberal Party tried to end prohibition... but took too long for it.   So now, with this  new Liberal Government with Prime minister Justin Trudeau... after 100 DAYS #first100 cannabis is still not legalized!

and now

Sam Vekemans,
Petition Initiator
Victoria, BC
P.S. Please share the above tweet & thanks again to everyone who have helped make this happen to reach this great milestone.   It will be great to see it at 10,000 by next week  (February 22nd)

Saturday, February 13, 2016

The Honourable Mélanie Joly PC Re: Removing Cannabis from the Drug Schedule - Cannabis Policy Statement.

The Honourable Mélanie Joly PC Re: Removing Cannabis from the Drug Schedule - Cannabis Policy Statement.

Serge Cormier, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard & Liberal Member of Parliament for 13001 Acadie–Bathurst (NB)

Serge Cormier, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard & Liberal Member of Parliament for 13001 Acadie–Bathurst (NB)



Pursuant to Standing Order 45, the House proceeded to the taking of the deferred recorded division on the motion of Mr. Rankin (Victoria), seconded by Ms. Quach (Salaberry—Suroît), — That the House: (a) recognize the contradiction of continuing to give Canadian criminal records for simple possession of marijuana after the government has stated that it should not be a crime; (b) recognize that this situation is unacceptable to Canadians, municipalities and law enforcement agencies; (c) recognize that a growing number of voices, including that of a former Liberal prime minister, are calling for decriminalization to address this gap; and (d) call upon the government to immediately decriminalize the simple possession of marijuana for personal use.
Conformément à l'article 45 du Règlement, la Chambre procède au vote par appel nominal différé sur la motion de M. Rankin (Victoria), appuyé par Mme Quach (Salaberry—Suroît), — Que la Chambre : a) reconnaisse la contradiction de continuer à donner un casier judiciaire aux Canadiens pour la simple possession de marijuana après que le gouvernement a affirmé que la simple possession de marijuana ne devrait pas être un crime; b) reconnaisse que cette situation est inacceptable pour les Canadiens, les municipalités et les autorités policières; c) reconnaisse qu’un nombre croissant de voix, incluant celle d’un ancien premier ministre libéral, demandent la décriminalisation pour combler cette lacune; d) réclame du gouvernement qu’il décriminalise immédiatement la possession simple de marijuana pour une utilisation personnelle.
The question was put on the motion and it was negatived on the following division:
La motion, mise aux voix, est rejetée par le vote suivant :
(Division No. 89 -- Vote no 89)
YEAS: 49, NAYS: 256POUR : 49, CONTRE : 256

Total: -- 49

Saturday February 13, 2016

Serge Cormier, MP
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6

Re: Removing Cannabis from the Drug Schedule - Cannabis Policy Statement.

Dear Serge Cormier,

Please understand:

  • Cannabis prohibition began with no scientific, medical or social justification, and was initiated as an effort to harass, punish and deport racial minorities;
  • The prohibition of cannabis has caused many social and economic harms, criminalized millions of Canadians for no benefit, and financed organized crime;
  • Cannabis has the potential to provide food, medicine, fibre, fuel and building materials; and
  • Cannabis medicines are safe and effective for treating a wide variety of ailments, yet are not readily available to all who require them.

Therefore, I urge you to support these ideas when considering the legalization of cannabis to

  1. Repeal the prohibition on possession and personal cultivation of cannabis;
  2. Repeal Section 462.2 of the Criminal Code, which bans literature and harm reduction devices like waterpipes and vaporizers;
  3. Permit patients or their designated grower to provide medical cannabis as recommended by a physician; and
  4. End police raids against community medical cannabis dispensaries, and enable their municipal regulation, as per the position of the Union of BC Municipalities.

    and within one year:
  5. Allow farmers to harvest and sell the cannabinoid-rich resin from their plants, as per the recent resolution of the Canadian Hemp Trade Alliance;
  6. Completely end the prohibition of cannabis, by removing it entirely from the CDSA (Controlled Drugs and Substances Act);
  7. For those convicted for a cannabis offence under the CDSA, on a case-by-case basis: Grant a full pardon and amnesty for past offences, expunge criminal records and release all prisoners currently serving time; and
  8. Permit Provinces, Territories and First Nations to decide how they want to tax, regulate and distribute cannabis as needed.

Please make a public statement on the internet. Either a tweet, or facebook post or website post or respond back then it will be made public.


Sam Vekemans

Dan Vandal Re: Removing Cannabis From the Drug Schedule

On Thu, Feb 11, 2016 at 2:59 PM, <Dan.Vandal@parl.gc.ca> wrote:
Dear Mr Vekemans,

On behalf of MP Dan Vandal thank you for your email and please accept our apologies for the delay in responding. Please know that your comments have been provided to Mr Vandal.

The government has committed to initiate a federal-provincial-territorial process that will lead to the legalization and regulation of marijuana. It is through this process that the specifics of how legalization is implemented will be determined.

That said, I would also recommend you provide your questions, and any other comments, directly to Mr Bill Blair,  the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Justice.  Mr Blair can be reached by email at Bill.Blair@parl.gc.ca.

If our office can be of any further assistance please do not hesitate to be in touch.


​Dan Lussier
Constituency Assistant / Adjoint de circonscription
Dan Vandal, MP Saint Boniface — Saint Vital / député Saint-Boniface — Saint-Vital​

From: Sam Vekemans <samvekemans@gmail.com>
Sent: January 14, 2016 1:14 AM
To: Vandal, Dan - M.P.
Subject: Dan Vandal Re: Removing Cannabis From the Drug Schedule

Wednesday January 13, 2016

Dan Vandal, MP
Saint Boniface-Saint Vital (Manitoba)
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6

Re: Removing Cannabis from the Drug Schedule.

Dear Dan Vandal,

Now that the Governor General has stated (on Friday December 4th 2015) in the Speech from the Throne, "To that end, the Government will introduce legislation that will ... legalize, regulate and restrict access to marijuana". The question remains on exactly how to go about doing this.

I have taken the liberty of drafting my own independent Bill that I hope Members of Parliament & The Senate will accept & adopt. I have titled and Numbered the Bill, and put it in the format of existing legislation.

Attached is a PDF (and links) for Bill C-420 An Act to repeal the Prohibition of Cannabis 'Repeal Cannabis Prohibition Act'


* Cannabis prohibition began with no scientific, medical or social justification, and was initiated as an effort to harass, punish and deport racial minorities;

* The prohibition of cannabis has caused many social and economic harms, criminalized millions of Canadians for no benefit, and financed organized crime;

*Cannabis has the potential to provide food, medicine, fibre, fuel and building materials; and

*Cannabis medicines are safe and effective for treating a wide variety of ailments, yet are not readily available to all who require them.

Therefore, this legislation clearly outlines 8 things needed to be done. immediately:

Repeal the prohibition on possession and personal cultivation of cannabis;
Repeal Section 462.2 of the Criminal Code, which bans literature and harm reduction devices like waterpipes and vaporizers;
Permit patients or their designated grower to provide medical cannabis as recommended by a physician; and
End police raids against community medical cannabis dispensaries, and enable their municipal regulation, as per the position of the Union of BC Municipalities.
and within one year:
Allow farmers to harvest and sell the cannabinoid-rich resin from their plants, as per the recent resolution of the Canadian Hemp Trade Alliance;
Completely end the prohibition of cannabis, by removing it entirely from the CDSA (Controlled Drugs and Substances Act);
For those convicted for a cannabis offence under the CDSA, on a case-by-case basis: Grant a full pardon and amnesty for past offences, expunge criminal records and release all prisoners currently serving time; and
Permit Provinces, Territories and First Nations to decide how they want to tax, regulate and distribute cannabis as needed.

I look forward to your reply, comments and support for this proposal.

Yours sincerely,

Sam Vekemans

(250) 588-9041<tel:%28250%29%20588-9041>



Attached is the latest version of the PDF document, and this is the link to the Google Document where public comment is permitted.  (PLEASE NOTE: The PDF is a static copy of the draft bill, as more people are becoming aware of this initiative, people are making recommendations to improve.  Please check the live Google Document, or confirm back with me when your ready to use this document, then i can refine it more)

Terry Beech Re: Repeal Cannabis Prohibition Act, Cannabis Freedom Act, Cannabis Day & 4 questions

On Thu, Feb 11, 2016 at 4:03 PM, <Terry.Beech@parl.gc.ca> wrote:
Dear Mr. Vekemans;

Thank you for sharing your views with us on the legalization of marijuana.

Terry’s first priority – and that of the Liberal government – is to protect Canadians’ public health and safety. We recognize that the current system is broken, and we are committed to working with health and safety experts from across the country to implement a new, more effective plan.

He believes that legalization – not simply decriminalization – is the best way to keep marijuana out of the hands of children; prevent the proceeds of its sale from funding criminal activities; and reduce its negative health impacts. Within 90 days of forming government, the Government appointed Bill Blair, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, to set up a task force which will bring all jurisdictions together to study various solutions for a legalized marijuana framework. Moving forward, this multi-governmental task force will collaborate on an effective, actionable plan that is in the best interest of all Canadians.

This was an issue we campaigned on during the 2015 election. Consultations are still being held on the exact form this will take – which sections of current legislation will be kept or repealed, for example – and this will not happen overnight. We will be moving quickly – but responsibly - as we implement our plans to marijuana.

This is clearly an issue on which you are quite knowledgeable and informed. Would you mind if Terry passes your email and attachments on to the Minister of Justice and her aforementioned Parliamentary Secretary?

Thank you again for writing to our office on this important matter.

Kindest Regards,

Justin Murphy
Administrative Assistant/Adjoint Administratif
Terry Beech, MP/député, Burnaby North-Seymour
3906 Hastings St, Burnaby, BC, V5C 6C1

From: Sam Vekemans [mailto:samvekemans@gmail.com]
Sent: February 06, 2016 1:07 PM
To: Beech, Terry - M.P.
Subject: Terry Beech Re: Repeal Cannabis Prohibition Act, Cannabis Freedom Act, Cannabis Day & 4 questions

Saturday February 6, 2016

Terry Beech, MP
Burnaby North-Seymour (BC)
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6

Re: Repeal Cannabis Prohibition Act, Cannabis Freedom Act & 4 questions

Dear Terry Beech,
Now that the Governor General has stated (on Friday December 4th 2015) in the Speech from the Throne, "To that end, the Government will introduce legislation that will ... legalize, regulate and restrict access to marijuana". The question remains on exactly how to go about doing this.
I have taken the liberty of drafting my own independent Bills that I hope Members of Parliament & The Senate will accept & adopt. I have titled and Numbered the Bills, and put them in the format of existing legislation.
Attached is a PDF (and links) for Bill C-420 An Act to repeal the Prohibition of Cannabis 'Repeal Cannabis Prohibition Act', another PDF for Bill C-421 the 'Cannabis Freedom Act' and another PDF for Bill C-428 'Cannabis Day'.

Please Understand:

* Cannabis prohibition began with no scientific, medical or social justification, and was initiated as an effort to harass, punish and deport racial minorities;

* The prohibition of cannabis has caused many social and economic harms, criminalized millions of Canadians for no benefit, and financed organized crime;

*Cannabis has the potential to provide food, medicine, fibre, fuel and building materials; and

*Cannabis medicines are safe and effective for treating a wide variety of ailments, yet are not readily available to all who require them.
Therefore, Bill C-420 clearly outlines 2 things needed to be done. immediately: 
1.           Completely end the prohibition of cannabis, by removing it entirely from the CDSA (Controlled Drugs and Substances Act);
2.           Repeal Section 462.2 of the Criminal Code, which bans literature and harm reduction devices like waterpipes and vaporizers; 
and, Bill C-421 clearly outlines 6 things needed to be done. immediately: 
1.           Repeal the prohibition on possession and personal cultivation of cannabis; 
2.           Permit patients or their designated grower to provide medical cannabis as recommended by a physician; and 
3.           End police raids against community medical cannabis dispensaries, and enable their municipal regulation, as per the position of the Union of BC Municipalities.
and within one year: 
4.            Allow farmers to harvest and sell the cannabinoid-rich resin from their plants, as per the recent resolution of the Canadian Hemp Trade Alliance; 
5.            For those convicted for a cannabis offence under the CDSA, on a case-by-case basis: Grant a full pardon and amnesty for past offences, expunge criminal records and release all prisoners currently serving time; and
6.            Permit Provinces, Territories and First Nations to decide how they want to tax, regulate and distribute cannabis as needed.

and Bill C-428 is about Cannabis Day, to be designated as a non-statutory holiday.

I look forward to your reply, comments and support for this proposal. At the end of the document, I have put forward 4 questions.

Questions for Bill Sponsoring MP
1.     Which parts of this Bill do you support?

2.     Which parts of this Bill do you not support?

3.     Which parts of the Bill should be changed, so then you will be able to support it?

4.     Which other related Acts needs to be changed, that are not already included in this text?

Yours sincerely,
Sam Vekemans
Attached is the latest version of the PDF documents, and these are the links to the Google Document where public comment is permitted.  (PLEASE NOTE: The PDFs are static copies of the draft bills, as more people are becoming aware of this initiative, people are making recommendations to improve.  Please check the live Google Documents, and confirm back with me when your ready to use this documents, then i can refine them more)
Bill C-421
Bill C-428

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Progress update - February 3rd 2016

It's now February 3rd, and here's a quick progress update on the work i've been doing.

Regarding the e-18 Cannabis Petition, it's currently still waiting for Elizabeth May to sponsor the petition, she has until February 9th, at that point, I will be given the option to select a different MP to sponsor the e-petition.  At that point, i'll select Kennedy Stewart (as he's the only one who responded, indicating that i should ask my local MP first).   I have also asked Murray Rankin's office, but not received a reply (i've visited the office twice already).
Dana Larsen submitted e-174 to Jenny Kwan, with the identical text of the petition, and Sheila Jacobson submitted e-176 to Murray Rankin, also with the identical text.  So the 1st MP to click and sponsor their e-petition becomes the sponsor, and the other petitions would simply be withdrawn.

Bill C-420
Regarding the Bill C-420 draft text document, i noticed the other day that for Bills introduced in 2016, the page layout and font has changed, so now i'm in the process of editing the text so to match the new format.    It's also now much simpler, where it only shows the 2 things/changes to legislation that needs to happen (Remove Cannabis from the CDSA and repeal section 462.2 of the Criminal Code)

Bill C-421
Regarding the Bill C-421 draft text document, this is actually a New Act that i'm creating, it's called 'The Cannabis Freedom Act'  this includes all of the stuff from the Petition Text and a little bit more detail, so it's all in an Act as new legislation.   It also needs to be changed to the new page layout with change in fonts.

Bill C-428
Regarding the Bill C-428 draft text document, this is a simple Bill.  It's to create '420' as a national  non-statutory holiday.   Work is still being done to update the text.

Bill S-420 - readers notes
And finally, i created a document called 'Readers Notes' as a way to keep track of the potential supporters, those who would most likely vote yes if this was given to a vote, and it includes a list of potential MPs who could sponsor the Bill  (all 3 Bills), as well as the list of Senators, highlighting those who would likely support it based on statements made.

Cannabis Policy Statement for Each MP
Regarding the task of getting a cannabis policy statement from each MP, the progress is steady.   I'm writing a snail-mail letter to each of the MPs who have not made a public statement of some sorts.

Snail-mailing a copy of the Draft Bill text.
I have also been snail mailing all of the Senate and Liberal senators an older copy of the Bill S-420/C-420 where some of them have responded back thanking me for the message/document.

Publishing responses.
All of the responses that I am getting from MPs and Senators are being published on this blog, this way, it's searchable on the internet.

MP Contact Details Slides.
I am also working on publishing the contact details for all MPs, and including their Cannabis policy as logos.
For example.
The whole set of 10 presentations is on slideshare (im now on 8 of 10, just finishing Alberta). So while i'm updating the contact details, i'm emailing the MP a PDF copy of the latest version of the Bill C-420 with it customized with their name on it. :)

1. The 1st goal is to get an MP to sponsor the e-petition, and once it's public on the web, i'll be sharing that link so people can sign the petition. (this should hopefully be done within the next week)
2. My next goal is to have the Bill C-420, C-421 and C-428 Draft Bill text documents updated with the new page layout, this should be done within the next couple of weeks.
3. My other goal is to be getting the cannabis policy statement for each MP, and for those who have not responded, to snail-mail them a letter requesting a public statement. (i'm also tweeting each unknown MP)
4. Once #3 is done (i'm about 3/4 way through the list) then the goal is to make a blog post for each MP that has made a public statement of cannabis policy.

The bottom line is this, the Liberal Party and Justin Trudeau stated that his government will legalize cannabis, but for the specifics, I figure that it's better if we (the people) tell the MPs and Senators exactly how we want cannabis to be legalized (not having it federally regulated, letting the provinces/first nations regulate as they wish, probably similar to alcohol, but not impose specific regulations)
The text of the petition was VERY carefully worded and written with the help of the cannabis community who all took a look at it, and agreed that this covers the basics that everyone wants.
So the draft text of 3 Bills take this even a step further and does the work of an MP/senator, so all they need todo is submit it.
The reality is, of course, is that MPs will have something to say about it, and offer ideas on how to make the document better.  As more people are providing feedback on this, the better the text becomes.

Over on the Facebook Page i am hosting a meetup event about this, for those who understand how Bills work and can help improve it.

Thats all for now,

Thanks for reading,

Sam Vekemans,
Victoria, BC