Pursuant to Standing Order 45, the House proceeded to the taking of the deferred recorded division on the motion of Mr. Rankin (Victoria), seconded by Ms. Quach (Salaberry—Suroît), — That the House: (a) recognize the contradiction of continuing to give Canadian criminal records for simple possession of marijuana after the government has stated that it should not be a crime; (b) recognize that this situation is unacceptable to Canadians, municipalities and law enforcement agencies; (c) recognize that a growing number of voices, including that of a former Liberal prime minister, are calling for decriminalization to address this gap; and (d) call upon the government to immediately decriminalize the simple possession of marijuana for personal use.
Conformément à l'article 45 du Règlement, la Chambre procède au vote par appel nominal différé sur la motion de M. Rankin (Victoria), appuyé par Mme Quach (Salaberry—Suroît), — Que la Chambre : a) reconnaisse la contradiction de continuer à donner un casier judiciaire aux Canadiens pour la simple possession de marijuana après que le gouvernement a affirmé que la simple possession de marijuana ne devrait pas être un crime; b) reconnaisse que cette situation est inacceptable pour les Canadiens, les municipalités et les autorités policières; c) reconnaisse qu’un nombre croissant de voix, incluant celle d’un ancien premier ministre libéral, demandent la décriminalisation pour combler cette lacune; d) réclame du gouvernement qu’il décriminalise immédiatement la possession simple de marijuana pour une utilisation personnelle.
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The question was put on the motion and it was negatived on the following division:
La motion, mise aux voix, est rejetée par le vote suivant :
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(Division No. 89 -- Vote no 89) | |||||||||||||||||
YEAS: 49, NAYS: 256 | POUR : 49, CONTRE : 256 | ||||||||||||||||
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@sergecormierlib please make a public statement on cannabis policy (didn't find anything on internet) & pls share— Sam Vekemans (@acrosscanada) March 12, 2016
Saturday February 13, 2016
Serge Cormier, MP
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6
Re: Removing Cannabis from the Drug Schedule - Cannabis Policy Statement.
Dear Serge Cormier,
Please understand:
- Cannabis prohibition began with no scientific, medical or social justification, and was initiated as an effort to harass, punish and deport racial minorities;
- The prohibition of cannabis has caused many social and economic harms, criminalized millions of Canadians for no benefit, and financed organized crime;
- Cannabis has the potential to provide food, medicine, fibre, fuel and building materials; and
- Cannabis medicines are safe and effective for treating a wide variety of ailments, yet are not readily available to all who require them.
Therefore, I urge you to support these ideas when considering the legalization of cannabis to
- Repeal the prohibition on possession and personal cultivation of cannabis;
- Repeal Section 462.2 of the Criminal Code, which bans literature and harm reduction devices like waterpipes and vaporizers;
- Permit patients or their designated grower to provide medical cannabis as recommended by a physician; and
- End police raids against community medical cannabis dispensaries, and enable their municipal regulation, as per the position of the Union of BC Municipalities.
and within one year: - Allow farmers to harvest and sell the cannabinoid-rich resin from their plants, as per the recent resolution of the Canadian Hemp Trade Alliance;
- Completely end the prohibition of cannabis, by removing it entirely from the CDSA (Controlled Drugs and Substances Act);
- For those convicted for a cannabis offence under the CDSA, on a case-by-case basis: Grant a full pardon and amnesty for past offences, expunge criminal records and release all prisoners currently serving time; and
- Permit Provinces, Territories and First Nations to decide how they want to tax, regulate and distribute cannabis as needed.
Please make a public statement on the internet. Either a tweet, or facebook post or website post or respond back then it will be made public.
Sam Vekemans
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