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E-122 Cannabis Petition - Royal Commission on Cannabis

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Demerit Points System: What it takes to be a good Member of Parliament, according to this criteria

Demerit Points System: What it takes to be a good Member of Parliament, according to this criteria

I have created a demerit point system that i am applying to all Members of Parliament.  Those MPs with no demerit points, or the lowest, are a much better Member of Parliament than those with a high number of demerit points.

1 demerit point:  No cannabis policy statement
If the MP has not yet made a cannabis policy statement, they loose a point.   English or French or the type of communication, or what was actually said about it (as long as it's a viewpoint) it doesn't really matter.  So this is an easy point to get rid of.

1 demerit point:  Not Bilingual
I think that to be a good member of Parliament for both interacting with the other MPs and for the public, that perhaps not the MP directly, but the staff should be able to converse in both english and french.  With either one being dominant.   While in the House of Commons, they do have interpreters, listingeing to someone speak through an interpreter is much harder. There is the delay in the understanding, as well as suttle nuances that occur in the language that isn't picked up with translation.  For example, body language.  This is a main part of speech, as it allows the viewer/listener to indicate if they are joking or trying to make an exadurated point.  Which, when translated, this doesn't always come across evenly.

For example, the translation of the e-18 cannabis petition into French, was actually not 100%.  The reason for this, is that in english some statements can mean the same thing, but when translated, it can have other meanings.  In french, there are multiple meanings for words, just as there are in english.  So some of the statements on the petiiton, when translated into french should have been worded differently (in english) so then the french translation would be more correct.  It's not to say that the french e-18 petition is wrong (it isn't) but some words could have been used differently to make a better emphasis.
Therefore, i think that a good Member of Parliament should really be bilingual.

1 demerit point: No Constituency office
There are 4 MPs who don't have a constituency office, (at least not that i can see from an internet search), it's not listed on the Parliamentry website, nor on their own website, nor on google or facebook.
I think that to be a good MP, you need to have a constituency office.

1 demerit point: Constituency office not listed on Google Maps
If the MPs office is not listed on Google Maps, then it makes it harder for people to easily find the office.  (without needing to go to the parliamentry website or the MPs website to find it).  Before Google Maps, it was different. .. but now with GoogleMaps it's become common that most every business (especially since the entire yellow pages directly is all listed on the map) that the office should really be listed.  I have gone through the list and made the request to add their office. .. some requests have been accepted.
So a point is lost if the office is not listed.

1 demerit point:  Constituency office not listed on Parliamentry site
If the MPs constituency office is not listed on the parliamentry website, a point is lost.  As how can people know how to reach the MP if it isn't even listed on the parliamentry website.

1 demerit point: no constituency office phone #
If there is no phone number for the constituency office, then they get a dermit point for this.  All MPs should have a phone number.

1 demerit point: Not on twitter
Only 4 MPs are not on twitter, it's a useful tool to be able to connect with the public and to other MPs.  So if the MP isn't on twitter, they get a dermit point

1 demerit point: Not regular tweeting
Some MPs only tweet to get elected.. but then stop tweeting after that.  Or haven't tweeted in a few years.  So a point is lost, as it's like having a constituency office, but never actually in the office.

1 demerit point: Twitter not updated with a website link
Twitter allows for a website to be featured on your profile, so if you don't have any website listed, or it goes to the wrong place, a demerit point is given for this, as it's handy for people checking the profile to click the link to learn more about the MP.

1 demerit point: Protected tweets
If your tweets are protected, there is no point in even following or keeping up with the MP, as it's like they just want to have a private converation.... it's better to not even be on twitter than to have protected tweets.  So a demerit point is given for this.

1 demerit point:  No website (domain or sub-domain)
MPs should have their own website, or a sub-domain website ie liberal.mpsname.ca so if they don't have a website, a demerit point is given.

1 demerit point: Website needs updating
Some MPs websites have not been updated since the election, so they need to be updated.

and more... TBA

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